Sobatech is beyond excited to announce the opening of its complete new testing & demonstrating centre in The Netherlands this summer.
Sobatech’s existing pilot plant is going to be completely renewed. The following equipment will be added to the demo centre:
- most advanced liquid and powder dosing options
- latest (hygienic) design continuous mixing systems
- incl. a wide variety of different mixing arms
- incl. automatic CIP
- incl. (extreme) temperature control
- latest development for continuous TVP hydration
- continuous bulk fermenter
The continuous test mixer is suitable to produce a wide range of products like breads, buns, snacks, meat substitutes, cookies, crisps, pet treats, pizza, pretzels, crackers, cosmetics and more. It has different inlets for the staged addition of ingredients. Also, it has the possiblity to effectively control (extreme) dough temperatures and development. The technology is characterized by short mixing times, small footprint, process control, lower energy costs and a constant consistent product quality.
“At our testing centre in the Netherlands, we are able to test continuous on particular applications and define the benefits of continuous meaningful to each of our customers,” said Geneviève Lekner, Sales Manager, Sobatech. “Product validation and demonstration is a critical part of our customers decision wether to go for batch or continuous”.
The renewed and state-of-the-art demo centre is open for testing as of September 2022. For questions about the possiblities or bookings, please contact us below.